Thursday, February 7, 2008

The Briefest Respite

Lest anyone fear that perhaps I was growing increasingly, you know, cynical or angry over the course of my brief foray into blogging, I give you the cutest baby in the world (until maybe Leveille has his kid): August Langston Colvin Shenk.


Anonymous said...

awesome pictures!!!

bubbasmama said...

goddamn that is a handsome fella! and you are looking pretty great yourself there, mr frampton. ver nice ver nice on the namesakes, even.

your exploits are insane my friend!! i feel old and crotchety sitting here at home on the futon with a sore throat and a cough and an enormous nalgene of warm water. i would like to think that i could have hung with you on this trip, but sadly i fear that it is not so.